30th April 2016
@ Adelaide
Adelaide sunsets are the best!! Especially when you get to watch them from on top of daddy's shoulders!!
30th April 2016 @ Adelaide
We went and explored Adelaide today. It was fun! We rode trains, busses, trams, and even pigs!!
We even went to the museum! 29th April 2016, @ Adelaide I really like taking photos so today mummy and daddy bought me my own camera!
I love it!!! 28th April 2016 @ Adelaide Just recently I've started to really like fruit salad. Well, not all fruit. Just bananas, apples, plums, pears and grapes. But still! Yum!
27th April 2016 @ Adelaide, SA So many animals like to eat grass. My pretend guinea pig, my toy sheep. They all like grass so I have to cut some for them fresh everyday.
26th April 2016 @ Langhorne, SA I used to be scared of the waves but now I love them! Maybe because these waves are so gentle.. I don't know but I had sooo much fun chasing them today!
25th April 2016 @ The Granites, SA I like our campground for tonight. There is a sand dune just for me to play in, and am area for mummy and daddy to do yoga! And me too. I like yoga too! 124th April 2016
@ The Granites, SA My daddy is so lazy that when he rides his skateboard he makes me pull him along!!
23rd April 2016 @ Kingston SE, SA Tonight we are in Kingston. We went to lots of different beaches today and it was fun but I like this place because they have a realllllly long jetty that mummy and I can pretend to be monsters on!
22nd April 2016 @ Kingston SE, SA I fell off the jungle gym this morning.. I was pretending to be a koala and I fell. And I cried. I cried a lot. But after lots of hugs I got better and we did some more sightseeing. We even went to see a lake that you can snorkel and dive in!! 21st April 2016
@ Tantanoola, SA |
Follow Gypsy as she travels the world!
September 2017