So I'm playing inside with mummy and having lots of cuddles.
31st May 2016
@ Cummings memorial lookout, SA
Im a little sick today.
So I'm playing inside with mummy and having lots of cuddles. 31st May 2016 @ Cummings memorial lookout, SA
I'm not feeling very well today.. So I think I'll spend the day here on the couch with Granny B watching tv. 27th January 2016 @ Albury VIC I was a little sick today. I woke up and vomited a few times all over 2 changes of clean clothes. So mummy let me wear my Pajamas ALL day!! It was awesome! I love my pajamas. They are so warm and comfy!!
Mum and Dad's friend's mum has been sick in hospital so we went to see her today. She was VERY excited to see me! She let me push the buttons to make her bed go up and down!!
I had another big fever last night so we have come to a big city to see a doctor in a big baby hospital today. He gave me even more medicine and I am already feeling much better. :)
I'm still feeling sick but we went to see a doctor today who gave me lots of medicine. I'm on a medicine high at the moment so i'm playing with my neighbour. I hope the medicine makes me all better soon!!
Fevers are never fun... But when they are super high and won't go down... And you are in the middle of nowhere with no phone reception or medical help nearby.. not fun..
We said goodbye to Mel and Jess today. They took a plane back to Kathmandu and we took a bus to lumbini. I didn't like this bus.. It was twisty and turny and bumpy and I accidentally vomited all over mummy.. Then I felt so bad I cried and cried because mummy was dirty and wet and stinky.. Eventually we stopped and mummy washed her top and I wa really happy she was less stinky. I still didn't feel well though an I slept for the next 4 hours of the trip... I'm finally starting to feel better now. My nose isn't running as much and my cough isn't as bad. So we went for a big walk and even played with my special bubble wand!! I even made some bubbles myself!! Sooo much fun! I love being outdoors sooo much more than being sick inside! |
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September 2017