7th July 2016
@ Albany, WA
Daddy and I went fishing today. He made me my own special rod with a gumnut on the end for bait. Neither of us caught anything but it was still fun!
7th July 2016 @ Albany, WA
Esperance was beautiful!! I really enjoyed the beaches there!! I wish we were allowed to camp at the beaches like in other parts of the country but there are so many signs that say we can't. I wanted to stay at this beach tonight!! But instead we stayed at a farm and I got to pay the horses and feed them grass! Which was super fun too!! 28th June, 2016
@ Esperance, WA We visited Cape Le Grande national park today and it was amazing!! The waster was sooo beautiful! The sand was so crazy! It was like jelly!! I played with it for hours and hours!! And there were even kangaroos on the beach!!
Whaaat?! 26th June 2016, Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grande, WA Our new campground is so much fun!! Look at all the rocks there are to play and climb on!!
18th June 2016 @ Balladonia, WA Today we crossed into Western Australia!! I've nearly been to each state now!!
16th June 2016 @ Eucla, WA We saw whales today!! Mummy and baby ones! And lots of them!! We even saw a shark!! Mummy was so excited!! I know because she was doing her excited dance.
14th June 2016 @ Head of the Bight, SA We came to this beach with the promise of a swing! But there's so much seaweed on the beach that we can't even swing it!!
I still had fun though :) 5th June 2016 @ Perlubie Beach, SA I had such a fun day today! We made sand castles, then more sand castles! Then we went sand boarding! It was sooo much fun! And the best bit? A sea lion was watching me from about 15m away!!
I love this beach! 18th May, 2016 Point Gibbon, SA Looking at beautiful views is SOO much more fun when I'm walking sideways like a crab!
11th May 2016 @ Pennington Bay, Kangaroo Island I always like to do the rock climbing wall at the playground but today daddy let me climb a real rock! I want to practice so u can get better and better!
10th May 2016 @ stokes bay, Kangaroo island |
Follow Gypsy as she travels the world!
September 2017