8th July 2016
Albany, WA
You can't see it in this picture but there is a mama & baby whale just off shore! We sat and played in the sand and watched them wave to us alllll day! It was magical!
8th July 2016 Albany, WA
I love this camp at Quagi, we get to have fires and sell muffins to the other campers! But why is the beach soooo far away?
1st July, 2016 Quagi beach, WA Esperance was beautiful!! I really enjoyed the beaches there!! I wish we were allowed to camp at the beaches like in other parts of the country but there are so many signs that say we can't. I wanted to stay at this beach tonight!! But instead we stayed at a farm and I got to pay the horses and feed them grass! Which was super fun too!! 28th June, 2016
@ Esperance, WA We visited Cape Le Grande national park today and it was amazing!! The waster was sooo beautiful! The sand was so crazy! It was like jelly!! I played with it for hours and hours!! And there were even kangaroos on the beach!!
Whaaat?! 26th June 2016, Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grande, WA If Hugo and Evan know how to fish, I want to learn too! Even though I'm vegetarian and don't want to eat or hurt the fishes!!
30th June, 2016 @ Quagi Beach, WA It was Christies birthday today so we had a picnic on the beach for her! It was fun! We are lots of cheese and crackers abs played in the sand a lot!!
27th June 2016 @ Esperance, WA We saw whales today!! Mummy and baby ones! And lots of them!! We even saw a shark!! Mummy was so excited!! I know because she was doing her excited dance.
14th June 2016 @ Head of the Bight, SA Most afternoons we have a dance party! And a fire! We always have a fire!!
I love camping with friends!! 10th June 2016 @ Wittlebee NP, Ceduna, SA All this playing is exhausting! Let's take a hot chocolate break!!
Cheers my boyfriends! 9th June 2016 @ Wittlebee National Park, Ceduna SA |
Follow Gypsy as she travels the world!
September 2017