We went on a morning hike through the jungle today. We saw elephants, rhino and crocodile!! So cool!
I saw lots and lots of elephants (zou San) today! We saw some on our morning walk, then we went to the elephant breeding centre and saw lots of baby elephants that were my size! On the way home we saw our neighbour Sanjay. He is a mamout and his elephant is called sanki. I say hello to sanki everyday. I even rode on sanki for a little bit today! But it wa sooo high up I got scared. This is me patting sanki! And this is me infront of a mummy zou San and a baby zou san. We borrowed a bike from the guesthouse to explore. I'm not feeling so good today so we didn't go very far but it was fun!! We thought we'd surprise bhai's mum by doing the washing for her! And play with the water ourselves too of course! Wells are hard work though!! I got to ride a horse today! I tried to feed him some bananas to say thank you but he wasn't hungry. His owner asked for some of the paper that mummy and daddy never let me play with instead. I want my own horse! Today mummy and daddy drank tea and watched the sunset over Chitwan national park. I invited them to have fun digging in the sand with me but whatever, if they want to be boring it's their loss! Happy Diwali everybody! Today is the festival of light in India and Nepal. We are in Janakhpur, one of the holiest cities in Nepal today. The lights are amazing!! So many candles and beautiful sand paintings everywhere! It's so pretty!!
Follow Gypsy as she travels the world!
September 2017