I can't decide which I like better...
Pool is fun because there's lots of small balls to play with.. But I got in trouble for banging them on the table..
I like them both but eating sand is definitely still my favorite!
I can't decide which I like better... Pool is fun because there's lots of small balls to play with.. But I got in trouble for banging them on the table.. And I like skating because I can move reaaaallly fast!!
I like them both but eating sand is definitely still my favorite!
Today is our last day in Fiji so after daddy took me for a swim in the ocean I made sure to eat lots and lots of sand! Yum yum! Then I had a nice nap on the soft green grass under some coconut trees... I dreamt of coconut milk, coconut cream soups and more sand.. I love Fiji! Today was such a busy day! We took the local bus into a town called "Sigatoka", known as "the rugby capital of Fiji" to watch the final of the Coral Coast Rugby 7's tournament. It rained so I got to play around in the mud with my little person sized Rugby ball I was given! Daddy taught me how to kick it and roll it!! We came back to the hotel just in time for a swim and to watch the sky turn to some pretty rainbow colours! What a big day! Today at breakfast we met Mia! Mia is also from Jhudong in Taiwan! How crazy to meet someone from the same small town as me at a small town in Fiji! 謝謝Mia!我愛你!! Today we left Suva and came to a place called the beach house. It's right on the beach which means... Sand! Yay! There are also some hammocks but I really don't like them.. Sand is much more fun! I like koro island and the people there. They are all really nice but the two men called Joe and Neil are a little crazy. They make me laugh. Neil even taught me how to blow raspberries! Mum and dad said they are our new neighbors! I don't know when, but sometime soon we will see them again on koro! I can't wait! I was so excited when I found this leaf! It's the biggest leaf I've ever seen! I bet it tastes amazing!! I love swimming! And so does my turtle! I especially like swimming off the jetty and pointing at all the colorful fishies! I like it here on Koro island. I get to go swimming a lot and eat lots of yummy food! I love coconut! And the sand is so soft! I'm getting really good at throwing it at mummy and mushing it into her hair! |
Follow Gypsy as she travels the world!
September 2017