Check it out! It's so cute!
This is my new friend Evie. Her mummy makes awesome clothes and she even named one after me!!
Check it out! It's so cute!
We visited the Devil's marble's today! They were so beautiful and big! We put the hammock up and drank tea as we watched the sunset. It was fun!
We went to the Henley on Todd festival today. There were lots of other children to play with. AND so much sand!!
30 Months old,
August 15, 2015 2.5 Years old!! This month we have had so much fun! We have visited the Flinders Ranges and found opals in Coober Pedy in South Australia. We went to Uluru and Kata Tjuta and the Kings Canyon. We did so much hiking and went to so many beautiful places! And we even rescued a baby Kangaroo!! I wanted to keep it but mummy and daddy insisted it had to go to the Kangaroo hospital. I have done lots of arts and craft too! I can use scissors and glue by myself now! My favourite is ripping though! I love ripping paper! I also love rocks! I have so many rocks now! I collect them from everywhere! Except places like Uluru and Kata Tjuta. Mummy says those rocks are important for the Aboriginal people so I didn’t take any of those. My biggest change this month is I now like to eat! I’ve tried so many new foods! I even like fruit now! But only bananas, apples and watermelon. My new favourite foods are egg soldiers and Corn thins with cream cheese! Yum! I also like juice now too! The other big change is that I’ve apparently entered something called “the terrible twos?!” I don’t know what that is but mummy and daddy get frustrated at me a lot when I get angry or frustrated over silly things. Yesterday I cried for 20 minutes because I wanted to make videos on the ipad of myself crying. Then I would watch them and get more upset. Mummy and daddy took the ipad away from me and I screamed and screamed. Tonight I made daddy angry because I said I wanted to eat my egg soldiers from the animal plate, then I changed my mind and wanted the blue plate. Then I changed my mind and wanted the yellow plate. Then I demanded to eat my dinner by myself with a knife. Daddy said no so I yelled and screamed until he called mummy and said “tag” and went outside. I wonder what tag is? Mummy wouldn’t let me use the knife either. It’s not fair. I’m such a big girl now. I had SO much fun today! We went to a beautiful waterhole and I played with my new friend Sophial Then we went to the Ochre pits and there were soooo many rocks!! I wanted to take them all home with me!!
Follow Gypsy as she travels the world!
September 2017